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Why can I still feel the pit after I have finished repairing the break?


Why can I still feel the pit after I have finished repairing the break?


There are a few reason you can still feel the pit.

  1. Pushing down on the curing tab after it has been placed. This causes the pit resin to move out of the pit.
  2. You did not use any pit resin.
  3.  While scraping you run over the pit with the edge of your razorblade.


  1. Place resin below break. Use the curing tab to move the resin over the break and lay the tab down.
  2. Scrape across the pit with the razorblade flat against the glass at a 90 degree angle. Do not hit the pit with the edge of the blade.
  3. Do not push down on curing tab after is has been placed.




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